Curatorial text:
"Instant time" is a metaphor for a fundamentally new experience that Ukraine gained in the 1990s. First years of independence were the time of acceleration, rapid changes and decisions, when information and phenomena spread immediately as well as disappeared. The information vacuum spontaneously filled without any filters and barriers and took everything that came into its space. Craving for a new grew against the backdrop of the invasion of surrogates and low-quality substitutes, which, however, really inspired and captivated, and sometimes provoked the emergence of unique phenomena, not only of a local character.

Instant Time
Exhibition catalogue
Catalogue editors
Anna Pohribna, Solomia Savchuk
208 pages
Fonts: MA Deja Vu Sans, MA Deja Vu Mono
Fonts: MA Deja Vu Sans, MA Deja Vu Mono
ISBN 978-966-97778-4-3